Stronger Together, Better Together

Stronger Together, Better Together


September 2, 2014

Dear US Airways AFA Members:


This year the AFA Board of Directors voted unanimously to provide special honorary lifetime AFA membership for all pre-merger US Airways Flight Attendants. Your contributions to our union deserve this recognition. It is also a symbol of our continued commitment to each other to move our careers forward.


Today, in line with our AFA/APFA Agreement on Bargaining and Representation (ABR), the National Mediation Board (NMB) certified APFA as the representative of Flight Attendants at the New American. APFA is now the representative, but our historic and cooperative agreement provides that our two unions work together to reach a single contract and AFA, including your former AFA leaders who now hold positions within the APFA structure, remains in place to work with established Committees and AFA staff to enforce the pre-merger US Airways contract and resolve outstanding disputes.


Key points about this phase of the merger and our AFA/APFA ABR:

  • Your contract remains in full force and effect, and the ABR ensures that AFA will continue to provide the services and structure necessary to enforce it.
  • Your locally elected leaders remain in place and your local presidents assume positions on the APFA BOD with all of the same rights as all of the other APFA bases.
  • Representation issues outside of the contract will be addressed by APFA.
  • Negotiations continue with equal representation from each pre-merger airline and all of the AFA resources remain available to assist equally in the process.
  • US Airways Flight Attendants who have signed an APFA membership card and dues form now have the full rights of members of APFA.
  • US Airways Flight Attendants who have not yet signed an APFA membership card and dues form do not have the right to vote as of today. Go to right now to sign the form and avoid disruption to your union membership and voting rights.


It has been an absolute privilege to work with US Airways Flight Attendants over the past two years as you fought to best position yourselves for this merger. When management sought to define your representation and future contract, you mobilized and united to share an inspiring message of working together to utilize the leverage of the two unions to get management to agree to a different bargaining process. You preserved your contract, your seniority and your right to benefit from the merger.


Over 66 years in our union you have been a major part of shaping our careers and building the world’s largest Flight Attendant union. You were a part of reaching out to other Flight Attendants to join AFA to build our collective power to address the issues that matter to Flight Attendants. US Airways AFA members have served in every office of our union. Together we faced numerous horrific accidents and the depths of deregulation. Through seven mergers you helped set the industry’s gold standard for seniority integration, utilizing a date-of-hire process for each of those mergers. Your insistence to recognize the years of service Flight Attendants bring to any corporate transaction has denied a common union-busting tactic by management to utilize disparate treatment as a tactic to divide us. You led by example with absolute unity and this is the standard we live by today.


AFA US Airways members pushed our union forward to shape the industry-leading programs that make a real difference for Flight Attendants. Enclosed is an example of our collective work related to safe, clean air on our planes. You have been integral to promoting resolution to this issue. Use the reference card to help identify and report any air quality incident. AFA continues to fund research, coordinate advocacy with other unions world-wide for regulations that prohibit bleed air circulation or filter out contaminates and bring public attention to the issue to get proper care for those affected.


US Airways has had a long and proud history, and AFA is proud to have represented US Airways Flight Attendants at every step along the way. That legacy will remain part of AFA history, and part of Flight Attendant history, forever.


Part of that history occurred in 1958 when Mohawk Airlines became the first airline to hire an African American Flight Attendant. Our Mohawk colleague left us just six months later, another victim of the no-marriage rule that the union eventually defeated.


When Allegheny and Mohawk merged in 1972 to form what became USAir, AFA was there with thousands of airline workers in dozens of mergers.


In subsequent mergers, with Piedmont Airlines, Pacific Southwest Airlines, the US Airways Shuttle, America West and others, AFA was always there to protect Flight Attendant seniority and contracts. In a series of bankruptcies we worked hard, more than once, to ensure the survival of the airline. Together we navigated through all the twists and turns of one of the industry’s truly great airlines.


Through decades of collective bargaining, we built the US Airways Flight Attendant contract into one of the premier agreements for our profession. We walked picket lines together, we weathered strikes together and we mobilized in more than one CHAOS™ campaign in support of our negotiating team. Time after time the US Airways Flight Attendants achieved important “firsts” at the bargaining table, helping to move our entire profession forward.


We are all stronger and our careers are better because of the contributions of US Airways AFA members. We stand by you throughout this bargaining process and your equal partnership in shaping your careers at the New American. You are ambassadors of unity and I know we will be together again.


Thank you for all you do every day for each other.


Fly safe and stronger together.


In Solidarity,

Sara Nelson, International President

Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO

US Airways Flight Attendants Usher In New Era at American Airlines

US Airways Flight Attendants Usher In New Era at American Airlines

September 02, 2014

NMB Certifies Bargaining Representative for Combined 24,000 Flight Attendant Workgroup

Washington, DC – US Airways Flight Attendants issued the following statement today after the National Mediation Board (NMB) finalized the US Airways/American Airlines single carrier certification process for purposes of Flight Attendant representation:

“Earlier this year, US Airways Flight Attendants secured a voice in the world’s largest airline by mapping out a path where our over 65 years of bargaining experience at the world’s largest Flight Attendant union would help set the stage for the best possible results. We continue to proudly stand in solidarity with our flying partners at American Airlines to negotiate a contract that allows Flight Attendants to benefit from the merger.

“We are proud of what we have accomplished as members of Association of Flight Attendants-CWA. Throughout the US Airways/American Airlines merger discussions, we were resolute in protecting our contract. Our efforts resulted in an innovative agreement for Flight Attendants that ensured equal participation in negotiations and the continued support of AFA for a smooth transition until the new contract is implemented.

“The AFA/US Airways contract remains in full force and effect until the new agreement is negotiated and implemented. AFA will enforce the contract throughout this period. We will continue to work closely with the Association of Professional Flight Attendants as we work for the best future for all Flight Attendants.

“For nearly seven decades, we helped build the world’s largest Flight Attendant union and this year, the AFA Board of Directors unanimously bestowed special lifetime membership in the Association of Flight Attendants for all pre-merger US Airways Flight Attendants. We are, and forever will be, part of our union family.”

Tentative Agreement Conference Call Today!

Tentative Agreement Conference Call Today!

The FACT Rep/Mobilizer Telephone Town Hall meeting with APFA President Laura Glading, former MEC President and APFA Liaison Roger Holmin, current base Presidents from CLT, DCA, PHL, and PHX, along with members and professionals from the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) is set to take place today: 1600 Eastern / 1500 Central / 1300 Pacific.

Mobilizers will be emailed the phone number to call in order to participate in today’s call. This number can also be found in the Mobilization section of this website requiring a password.

Reminder: This call will kick off with a short presentation by Laura Glading and members of the JNC, followed by a live Q&A session.

Thank you for your participation and for getting the FACTS out to our members!

9-10-14 First-Ever Mobilizer/FACT Rep Conference Call TODAY!

9-10-14 First-Ever Mobilizer/FACT Rep Conference Call TODAY!

Participate in the JNC Negotiations Update teleconference today, 9-10-14, at 1:30 pm (eastern time)

The FACT Rep/Mobilizer Telephone Town Hall meeting with APFA President Laura Glading, former AFA-US Airways MEC President and current APFA liaison Roger Holmin, and members of the Joint Negotiating Committee is scheduled for September 10th at 1:30 pm eastern time, 12:30 pm central time, 10:30 am pacific time.

A presentation from Laura Glading, Roger Holmin, and members of the JNC will then be followed by a question and answer session.

Mobilizers will be emailed a dial-in number approximately one hour before the call, as well as posting the call-in number under the Mobilizer section of

Should you encounter any problems, please send an email to h

AmericanAirlines + US Airways 

Flight Attendant Union Applauds DOT Rejection of Exemption For Norwegian Air International

Flight Attendant Union Applauds DOT Rejection of Exemption For Norwegian Air International

September 02, 2014

Washington, DC – After months of intense pressure from a broad labor coalition, including the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) today denied an exemption for a foreign air carrier permit to Norwegian Air International (NAI). AFA urges the DOT to close the door on NAI permanently by rejecting the foreign air carrier permit outright. AFA International President Sara Nelson issued the following statement:

“The DOT’s decision to deny an exemption for NAI is particularly meaningful as our country gets back to work after celebrating the achievements of American workers over the Labor Day holiday. The DOT’s decision upholds decades of work by AFA and our colleagues across the globe to create opportunities for aviation workers while expanding business. We recognize Secretary Foxx for his leadership in ensuring that the U.S. aviation system remains the safest in the world. We urge the DOT to reject the outstanding foreign air carrier permit outright in order to maintain labor standards and U.S. safety and security regulations.

“For nearly 70 years, AFA has been dedicated to protecting the Flight Attendant career, standing against any attempt to create a position that has little room for advancement and no job security. By working closely with key counterparts across the world, we gave workers a strong voice in shaping the future of aviation.

“In our global aviation environment, it is imperative that we all work together to ensure that workers are treated fairly and are recognized for our role in their airline’s success. For several months, we have joined our sisters and brothers and stood united against NAI’s scheme to severely undercut our airlines and threaten our profession. Together we pushed back against this attempt and we now redouble our efforts to protect good jobs.

“AFA remains dedicated to creating opportunities that expand business by working collaboratively so that everyone is able to share in the success. Today’s decision is a positive step in protecting the U.S. aviation market but it is imperative that the DOT also reject NAI’s application for a foreign air carrier permit. We simply cannot support foreign carriers who dodge laws and regulations and create a global race to the bottom.”

Sign Your Card Today to Avoid Disruption to Your Voting Rights!

Sign Your Card Today to Avoid Disruption to Your Voting Rights!

AFA US Airways E-Line – Saturday, August 23, 2014

The National Mediation Board could certify APFA as the bargaining agent for all 24,000 Flight Attendants at the New American as soon as August 29, 2014.

Our Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) is scheduled to complete the 150 days of expedited negotiations on September 19.

Without a signed APFA membership and dues form completed, you won’t have the credentials to VOTE on our next contract!

The quickest way to protect your right to vote is to fill out the on-line form at  Just look for the graphic on the right on the home page. Use the online form to ensure your credentials are in place on day 1 of APFA membership.

APFA membership and dues deduction cards were also mailed to your home and stuffed in your company mailbox.  Physical cards are postage paid and need only be dropped in the mail with a small piece of tape to close it. You may also put it in an AFA lock box located in the domiciles at CLT, DCA, PHL and PHX. You can get a paper copy from an AFA representative at your base.

For questions, submit a feedback form on

Protect your right to vote! Simply fill out your APFA card today to Make Your Vote Count!

September 19th will be the last day of the 150 days of expedited negotiations between the 14-member Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) and the Company. If a T/A is reached it will be put before the combined membership for a ratification vote. Should the membership not ratify the T/A, or if a T/A cannot be reached, only then would it go to binding arbitration. To review a flowchart of the entire joint negotiations process, follow the link below.

Path to a Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement

Per the provisions of the Agreement on Bargaining and Representation (ABR), there will be no going back to the table to negotiate a TA2 or TA3. The process in the ABR calls for arbitration should the combined TA be voted down by members.

Tentative Agreement Highlights

Tentative Agreement Highlights

The Joint Negotiating Committee has prepared a document containing highlights of the Tentative Agreements (T/As) that have been reached to date, which has been uploaded to the website. This comparison chart can be viewed here;

US Airways & AA Flight Attendants Combind Seniority List

US Airways & AA Flight Attendants Combind Seniority List


Per the Seniority Integration Agreement between AFA and APFA Flight Attendants, a joint seniority list has now been created using the US Airways date of hire and the AA occupational hire date with a 40 day adjustment for initial training.

This combined seniority list can be read here;


Protect Your Voting Rights – Sign a Card

Protect Your Voting Rights – Sign a Card


The time is fast approaching that APFA will be certified as our union. Without the APFA membership and dues forms submitted, you won’t have the credentials to vote and exercise your voice in shaping our future at the new American.

The form was mailed to your home and stuffed in your company mailbox.  It is postage paid and need only be dropped in the mail with a small piece of tape to close it. You may also put it in an AFA lock box located in the domiciles at CLT, DCA, PHL and PHX.

If you don’t have a copy of the APFA membership and dues deduction card, get one from an AFA representative at your base. You can also quickly fill it out online at Just look for the on-line Membership Application/DCO form.

This week we are calling US Airways Flight Attendants who do not yet have a form on file. Calls are being made between 11 am and 8 pm local base time. If you receive a call, but believe you have already submitted a form it may have been lost in in the mail or not yet received. If you recently mailed the form and want to check if it has been received, call 800-424-2401, press 1 and extension 707.

If you have any questions, submit a feedback form on


Flight Attendant Negotiations  Survey 

Please click the link below to take the negotiations survey for Flight Attendants at the New American Airlines.

To log in to the survey you will need your six-digit employee number and your last name.  The results of the survey will be confidential and provide  guidance for the JNC in negotiating your contract.  Pre-merger USA and AA Flight Attendants will be taking identical surveys and the results will be combined for use by the JNC.

The JNC encourages all Flight Attendants to fill out the survey and share your opinions with the JNC.

Continue to stay up-to-date on the progress of negotiations by visiting  and encourage your flying partners to participate in the membership survey.   If you have any questions or comments about negotiations or logging in to the survey, please contact the JNC at

TAKE ACTION! Protect US Airline Jobs

TAKE ACTION! Protect US Airline Jobs

WolfInSheepsClothingPetitionNorwegian Air International (NAI) will severely undercut our companies, threaten our jobs, and set a harmful precedent that would undermine US labor and safety rules, unless the U.S. Department of Transportation stops them.With principal operations in Oslo, Norway, NAI wants to register to operate as an Irish airline, although it does not plan to operate flights from Ireland. It is a ploy to circumvent labor standards. Its pilots are contracted through a Singapore employment company, although NAI does not operate in Singapore.

Now, NAI is scheming to fly into the United States, avoiding regulatory oversight and labor accountability. By gaming the system to take advantage of the lowest labor costs and to circumvent regulations, NAI would drive U.S. air carriers out of the competition and would profit at the expense of tens of thousands of U.S. airline jobs– and to our recovering economy as a whole.Sign the petition to defend the U.S. aviation industry and our jobs, and spread the word on Twitter and Facebook.

Agreement on Bargaining and Representation Ratified!

Agreement on Bargaining and Representation Ratified!

February 28, 2014

Dear Flying Partners:

We did it. You voted to approve the Agreement on Bargaining and Representation, which also includes the new Negotiations Protocol Agreement with management. With this we have secured our voice and our contract. We have equal participation in negotiations and the continued support of AFA for a smooth transition on our representation moving forward. Nothing changes today – but we set the stage for the best possible results.

We are making history by partnering AFA and APFA to use the combined strength and resources of our two unions to negotiate the best contract at the world’s biggest airline. We bring 65 years of bargaining experience with AFA to this merger and we proudly stand in solidarity with our new flying partners at American to honor our histories and launch our promising future as American Flight Attendants working together – 24,000 strong. (more…)

Your chance to vote is down to just 2 hours!

Your chance to vote is down to just 2 hours!

Vote FOR the ABR now and move us forward with our contract and our voice in this merger – and the ability to achieve improvements less than a year.

Vote at or dial 888-488-7288 to cast your vote.

If you need an activation code call the Ballot Help Line at 800-424-2401, press 1 and ext. 706.

Vote Now

Ballot Help Line Open Saturday

Ballot Help Line Open Saturday


We are now officially within the final week to vote on the Agreement on Bargaining and Representation. This vote is so important we are extending the hours of operation for the Ballot Help Line. If you don’t have your unique activation code that was sent to your home, you can easily access a new one by calling the:

Ballot Help Line at 800-424-2401, press 1 and then extension 706

Saturday Hours: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm Eastern Time (more…)

Your Vote Is Our Power – Time is Running Out

Your Vote Is Our Power – Time is Running Out

Voting on our contract and representation closes Friday, February 28th.

We fought really hard to preserve our contract in this merger and for the chance to achieve improvements. If we don’t turn out a strong YES vote, we could lose everything we’ve fought for. Don’t let that happen! Vote FOR the Agreement on Bargaining and Representation (ABR) to guarantee our contract and our voice is included – and to ensure we have all of AFA’s professional resources backing us throughout the negotiations for our contract at the New American. (more…)

ABR Ratification Meetings

ABR Ratification Meetings

We will be voting on the Agreements on Bargaining and Representation February 6- 28. Voting instructions will be mailed to your home. We will be conducting meetings to review the Agreement on Bargaining and Representation/Negotiations Protocol Agreement.

Monday, February 10th
10am – 1pm
Terminal A,  Conference Room 120
Outside of Security

Tuesday, February 11, 1014
10 am – 1 pm
PHL Airport Marriot

Wednesday, February 12, 2014
10 am – 1 pm
Phoenix Marriott Tempe at The Buttes Amphitheater
2000 Westcourt Way, Tempe, Arizona

Thursday, February 13, 2014
10 am – 1 pm
Doubletree Hotel Airport
2600 Yorkmont Road, Charlotte

Details on Bargaining and Representation Agreements

Details on Bargaining and Representation Agreements

In This Edition:

  • MEC President Introduction Letter
  • Summary of Agreements on Bargaining and Representation
  • Full Language of Agreements
  • Questions and Answers
  • ABR Ratification Meetings and Voting Dates  (more…)
PRESS RELEASE: Flight Attendants, Management at New American Reach Agreement on Bargaining

PRESS RELEASE: Flight Attendants, Management at New American Reach Agreement on Bargaining

WASHINGTON, D.C. and FORT WORTH, TEXAS – The unions representing each pre-merger Flight Attendant group at the new American Airlines reached an unprecedented agreement with Company management last week on bargaining for a joint contract. The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA represents the pre-merger US Airways workgroup while the Association of Professional Flight Attendants represents the pre-merger American workgroup.

“Flight Attendants at the new American Airlines deserve a contract which reflects our contributions in making this merger possible,”  said Roger Holmin, MEC President, AFA-CWA. “We look forward to joining with our flying partners at American and fighting for the contract we deserve.” (more…)

Negotiations Protocol Agreement Reached

Negotiations Protocol Agreement Reached

AFA, APFA and Management have reached a tentative agreement on a Negotiations Protocol Agreement (NPA) which contains a process for reaching a joint collective bargaining agreement at the New American Airlines.

The US Airways Master Executive Council met today and approved sending out the December 18 AFA/APFA Agreement on Bargaining and Representation and the NPA for a ratification vote of the US Airways Flight Attendants. We will be providing more information at the beginning of next week: the contents of the agreement, voting information and a schedule of information sessions. We appreciate your patience while we prepare the full details for distribution.


Negotiating Committee Election Results
Update: Discussions on Joint Bargaining Process With Management

Update: Discussions on Joint Bargaining Process With Management

AFA President Roger Holmin, APFA President Laura Glading and our respective professional negotiators and legal counsel met with senior management yesterday in Washington, D.C., to discuss the AFA/APFA Agreement on Bargaining and Representation. The new bargaining process is contingent upon agreement with management. Discussions were productive and set to continue. We will update AFA members with information as it comes available.

Stand strong and continue to demonstrate support for our negotiators by wearing your union pin and promoting unity 24,000 strong. Together we will achieve our share of the benefits in this merger and raise the bar for Flight Attendants across the industry.

AFA & APFA Reach Agreement!

AFA & APFA Reach Agreement!

December 20, 2013

Dear US Airways Flight Attendants,

We are moving forward with our new American flying partners through an agreement with the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA). This agreement has been reviewed and unanimously approved by your directly-elected Local Council Presidents. Through your support, we have protected our contract, our voice and our vote at the New American.

For 65 years we have been proud members of the Association of Flight Attendants. Through our union we negotiated industry-leading contracts time and again. Our history was made by little airlines that could – and did. US Airways Flight Attendants have spent entire careers building unity. We were a part of shaping the world’s largest Flight Attendant union and we made a difference through our union’s total focus on the issues that matter to Flight Attendants. That focus on your interests is what led us to this agreement with APFA, another Flight Attendant-only union with a proud history as well. With your continued support, we will achieve our industry-leading contract once again as full partners with our pre-merger American Flight Attendant counterparts. And as we make the most out of our collective bargaining rights, with your approval we will also become members of APFA.

It is an honor to fly with you, to serve as your representative and to share these new opportunities with you. We continue to commit every effort to provide you with all of the information necessary to make informed decisions about our future. We hope this news provides you with the opportunity for a peaceful holiday and dreams of what will come through our unity – 24,000 Strong.

In Solidarity,

Roger Holmin
MEC President US Airways
Association of Flight Attendants


AFA/APFA Agreement

AFA has secured agreements with APFA for seniority, bargaining and representation at the New American.

Key Points of Agreement:

  • Flight Attendant seniority is protected.
  • APFA will link arms with AFA to use the leverage US Airways Flight Attendants bring to the table and negotiate a new expedited bargaining process with management, including the US Airways contract and improvements for all Flight Attendants.
  • This agreement is contingent upon management at the New American agreeing to a bargaining process for a single agreement with AFA and APFA.
  • Once the bargaining process is fixed, US Airways Flight Attendants will vote on bargaining and a transition to APFA membership.
  • We are full partners in this merger with a voice on our future and the right to vote on bargaining and representation. (more…)