We are now officially within the final week to vote on the Agreement on Bargaining and Representation. This vote is so important we are extending the hours of operation for the Ballot Help Line. If you don’t have your unique activation code that was sent to your home, you can easily access a new one by calling the:
Ballot Help Line at 800-424-2401, press 1 and then extension 706
Saturday Hours: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm Eastern Time
Calls are being answered, but if you must leave a message during the business hours or any time outside business hours please speak clearly the following information:
This will allow for quick processing of your request. Once verified, the system will send a new activation code to your email and the person handling your message will call to confirm that the activation code has been sent. If your information cannot be easily verified, you will receive a call in order to complete the verification process to get you a new activation code. You cannot call for a friend, each voter must initiate the request personally.
The Ballot Help Line will open again on Monday, February 24th at 9:30 am.
Potential Technical Issues:
Once You Get Your Activation Code, Take 2 Minutes to Vote
If you have informational questions about this vote, please call 855-4-USA-AFA (855-487-2232).
Rescheduled CLT Ratification Meeting
Please join us to get your questions answered in Charlotte. The airport rooms are not available, but the DoubleTree is not far away!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 from 10 am – 1 pm
Doubletree Airport Hotel on Yorkmont Road
Vote To Include Your Voice in the New American
Our vote is our power – going into this merger we need to back up our negotiators with the power of every single US Airways Flight Attendant needs to vote. Only US Airways Flight Attendants are voting. This is our opportunity to ensure our contract and our voice is included in shaping our future at the New American.
Leaving Nothing to Chance
Everyone has a responsibility to vote – but we are leaving nothing to chance. Our Mobilization Committee is working on reaching out to every single Flight Attendant with voting reminders. But the messages might not get through. Your efforts to reach your friends will have the greatest impact. Contact 5 friends now – leave nothing to chance with this vote.
What are we voting on?
Voting YES means:
Voting NO means: